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Are You Alone?….

Life can be tough, cruel, and unfair. With our limited understanding, it can be hard to come to grips with the fallout of circumstances that leave one alone.  Yet, many across the world find themselves alone today.

Some are surrounded by people but deep inside they feel very much alone. While others are in abject isolation but nevertheless they are alone.

It’s one thing to crave solace in the pursuit of being alone in order to recharge. However, to be alone as a result of circumstances within or outside one’s control is to know loneliness.    

One doesn't have to find themselves on a street corner with a sign to be alone. Far too many find themselves alone due to being abused, abandoned, sick, elderly, addicted, or as the result of tragedy. Yet others seemingly have everything, they are like billboards of success but if they were honest they feel so alone. Also, I have been reading much of great men and women of faith over the centuries. So many of them gave everything they had to obey God's purpose and plan for their lives. Yet like so many of the Bible's heroes of the faith they found themselves seemingly alone in the work under the harshest of circumstances.

I have observed that loneliness can choke out a person’s dreams, goals, and purpose for the future.  It can rob a person of their joy, peace, and contentment. It can lead a person to despair and to denounce faith in fear of the unknown.

Loneliness can cause even the strongest of Believers to question God’s goodness. It can cloud one’s thinking and blur one’s perspective on everything in life with vanity instead of victory and darkness instead of light.   It can close one’s ears to hope and open them instead to hopelessness.

Speaking of hope, is there hope for the lonely? My friend, I’m glad you ask. There is great hope for those held captive in the iron grip of loneliness! The key to breaking the destructive power of loneliness is Jesus and the power He provides you and me through His Holy Spirit.

I don't pretend to be an expert on loneliness but as I mentioned, I have learned through observation of many published accounts of some of the godliest individuals I can imagine. They all testify that despite the greatest trials, tragedy, and every circumstance, in every place, and in every way they were never really alone because God proved to them time and again he would never fail to be with them.

What a tremendous encouragement for all of us. To know that with Jesus in your life, one can never be alone because He is always faithful to be with us.

One of the great promises of the scriptures for those who belong to God,

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

Maybe your spouse died, your friends abandoned you, you are going through a significant trial, or you are in a prison of your own making or as a result of your faith. No matter what, if you belong to God, He is with you!

He knows you better than you know yourself.  He can heal the deepest wounds. He can give you peace when there appears to be no reason why you should have peace. He can carry you through the valley of loneliness and sustain you completely. He can take away your loneliness and replace it with joy, purpose, hope, and assurance that with Him you can never have a need so great that He can’t meet.

Yes, you may be physically alone. Yes, you may feel like loneliness surrounds you and has broken your spirit. Cry out to God! He longs to rescue the lonely and the broken.

After all, He knows what it is to be lonely. When He hung on the cross, He hung there all alone. Even his Heavenly Father forsook Him in that moment.

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Mt 27:47

Please realize if anyone can understand your loneliness Christ can.

So are you alone? For those who are in Christ be encouraged…you are never alone!!

"...And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" Matthew 28:20

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I am a believer in Christ with a passion to encourage the remnant of believers. I was looking for an outlet to inspire others and this is it.  Enjoy as I dip into current events, politics, prophecy, and much more... 


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