Christian Nationalism...Straw Man
How do you keep the crows from your garden and picking it clean? You could use a straw man. It's an age-old fear tactic for farmers to try to protect their interests and manage threats to their crops. In politics, when tyranny feels like they are losing ground they grasp for more straw to protect their garden of power & influence.
Christian Nationalism is the latest straw man argument the liberals have crafted to control outcomes. What is a straw man argument? In short, it's "Presenting a fringe or extreme version of an opposing argument as the mainstream version of it.."
What is Christian Nationalism? It is the latest installment in the liberal's worn-out playbook with a new twist. In short, it's the left's desperate attempt to marginalize and suppress Christians. They are attempting to frame Christians who love their country, seek the preservation of the constitution & its inalienable rights, support the rule of law, desire the protection of religious freedom, and want legislation that reflects their values as crazed right-wing extremists who have desires for nation-building.. like some kind of modern-day white supremacist Christian Crusaders who will cling to their God, their guns, and bibles.
Historically, Christians have been so easy to pacify and manipulate for Republicans and Democrats. Politicians who care principally about power and influence over the masses in order to maximize their personal gain use the same bag of tricks because frankly, they work. Politicians of every stripe have long known that people inherently fear the opinion of people and have an innate desire to be accepted. As a result, they use every tactic to leverage that fear of perception, to influence behavior because behavior dictates outcomes.
The dirty little secret is both sides of the political aisle can't afford for committed Christians to wake up and start running for office or voting for people and legislation that reflects their biblical values. Why? United Christians would be a force at the ballot box they couldn't stop.
Those elected servants of the people who have betrayed their oaths, don't want to be held accountable for corruption, they don't want to lose power, and they need to control outcomes to fit their ambitions. Lately, many in the governmental apparatus have resorted to all sorts of lawlessness and lies in a desperate attempt to control the national narrative no matter its costs.
Christians aren't the only target but as a huge voting block in this country it's understood that the values of Christ stand in direct contrast to tyranny. So tyranny responds to that real threat by trying to control the ignorant masses through sophisticated propaganda, idea suppression, and the art of influence via countless means not to exclude straw man arguments.
If you want a great biblical example of what it means to love your nation and serve God with all your heart.....take a good hard look at Nehemiah. He saw the state of the nation and it broke him. Instead of complaining, being a pessimist, and sucking on the pacifier of apathy... he repented and then took action! That action proved to be the spark that started a fire that awakened a nation in disarray. He obeyed God and God used a powerful King Artaxerxes, positioned perfectly on the timeline of history, to provide the righteous remnant of a once God-fearing nation, with the resources to rebuild.
Nehemiah dealt with his own propagandists who tried to undermine him at every turn and sabotage his God-directed mission. People of every station joined Nehemiah in the rebuilding. They had a common cause and worked shoulder to shoulder as farmers, priests, government officials, rich, poor, learned, skilled, unskilled, etc.
In the end, the enemies within their nation and outside of their nation developed more elaborate schemes to derail their progress but eventually, they were all put to shame. The nation of Israel was reborn, one brick at a time, one wall at a time, one great sacrifice after another, and with one great God's gracious favor.
Christian, be on the alert. You may even hear leaders you respect carrying the water for the liberals regarding Christian Nationalism. Pray for them to see through the smoke and mirrors. Don't be duped, it's just more straw......
"For my part, I have long been possessed with a strong and even enthusiastic persuasion, that Heaven has great and gracious purposes toward this continent, which no human power or human device shall be able finally to frustrate. Illiberal or mistaken plans of policy may distress us for a while, and perhaps sorely check our growth; but if we maintain our own virtue; if we cultivate the spirit of liberty among our children; if we guard against the snares of luxury, venality and corruption, the genius of America will still rise triumphant, and that with a power at last too mighty for opposition. This country will be free--nay, for ages to come a chosen seat of freedom, arts, and heavenly knowledge, which are now either drooping or dead in most countries of the old world."
Dr. William Smith 1775
"The Crisis of American Affairs"
"I proceed to prove that the cause of civil liberty is the cause of God. This follows from what hath now been said. For if law of nature is the law of God, and if God hath given every society or state liberty independent of all other states, to act according to their own choice in governing themselves within the bounds of the law of nature, then it expouses the cause of God, and he that opposes it opposes God Himself. This liberty hath God not only given, but entailed on all men, so that they cannot resign it to any creature without sin. Therefore, should any state, through fear, resign this freedom to any other power, it would be offensive to God."
Dr. Nathaniel Whitaker 1777
"An Antidote against Toryism"