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Christian! When Are You Going to Get in The Fight?....

We are in some of the most historic times in American history. Last week our lead candidate for President and former President Donald Trump by the sovereign providence of the Almighty God was spared assassination. Our nation came within millimeters of the death of a President but also the death of the opportunity to embark on the greatest spiritual, economic, and societal comeback of all time in America.

Evil has never been so apparent; some may say in contrast God has been so silent. Yet for those with discerning eyes to see, one must conclude that God is doing "great things beyond our understanding." Job 37:5

There is much wickedness afoot. The main culprit I believe may surprise some of you. It has cloaked itself well in the garments of tolerance, free expression, pride, greed, and jealousy of the haves vs the have-nots. The spicket from which most of our society's river of evil derives is the well of communism.

Communism was front and center in the American conscience during the Cold War but after the Soviet Union collapsed, Americans quickly assumed the communist war against America was no longer a realistic threat. Our pride blinded us from the sadistic intents of the enemies within whose mouths knew no limit of deceit while their hearts burned with war to destroy America from within. They knew it would take a long time, but they were patient, persistent, and above all committed.

Since then communism has persistently continued its long march in the shadows of America. It gained a significant beachhead in the institutions of higher learning, then used that stronghold to indoctrinate generation after generation of weak-minded academics dulling their capacity to ascertain truth, virtue, & the tenates of liberty in favor of the tenates of tyranny. Now communism through the vehicle of pride has emerged from the shadows, doubling down on the lies it encoded into the minds of its disciples in a desperate but completely committed pursuit to topple America from within finally. Those willing collaborators, I'm convinced, are not by any means the majority in this land but they hold great sway in the media, government, universities, financial, legal, and elsewhere. They have never been closer than it is right now to victory.

To the historical naive this probably sounds crazy, fabricated, and delusional. To the learned, those who understand how communism infiltrates, captures, deceives, and takes over a country you agree. So many watchmen of liberty have tried mightily to warn us of the war they have declared on us. Unfortunately, so few listen, and fewer still take action to defend our institutions and people from those who would seek to make America in the likeness of a communist utopia.

In back of so much of America's current civil war for liberty & justice for all is the machinery of the black heart of communism. In my opinion, communism has been and is one of the most effective schemes of hell to steal, kill, and destroy a man, a people, and a nation.

Christian, are you in the fight? You don't have the luxury of being a bystander or a spectator while you wait for Christ to return. Souls are in the balance. Maybe your eternal position is secure but what of those who are trapped in darkness? Historically, communism has held billions in darkness and how many of them died with Jesus's name on their lips? Read history and read of the 10s of millions that have died agonizing unjust and cruel deaths at the behest of communist regimes. Do you think more people will have the opportunity to hear and believe in Christ in a free country that allows a man or woman to worship freely or under the jackboot of a tyrannical system of total domination?

Freedom, in contrast I believe is one of the greatest vehicles of God to reach those trapped in darkness. America as wicked as we are is proof of God's great favor on a nation, birthed in freedom to be used mightily as God's hands and feet to a world in desperate need to know of Him and to know how to have peace with God. No doubt God is unlimited, so no environment is outside His ability to work. However, freedom is the conduit that can allow the power of God to permeate the airwaves, the hallways, the classroom, the press, the church, the economy, and all facets of a society with the message of the love of God.

Still not convinced to get in the fight? Consider this well-documented fact. When the communists reach a tipping point of successfully conducting a hostile takeover of a nation from within one of their first priorities is to silence the church, isolate the Christians, and eliminate them.

For instance, their approach is typically to bait the people of the faith into gathering in a large conference. They want the clergy, pastors, and leaders of the many denominations to all gather under the banner of unity and will feign great honor upon such spiritually enlightened. All the while, they have captured key voices amongst these who gather in various positions of influence to help aid in the ruse. These well-placed surrogates begin the turning of the church from a house of God to a den of thieves and from a house of Truth to a house of propaganda and lies. Next, after they have lulled their naive prey into the conference the trap is set, and very quickly by any means necessary they coerce, threaten, bribe, silence, crush, imprison, rape, kill, and massacre Christians. Christians are their most dangerous foes in the aim to accomplish total tyranny.

You may say what can I do? Not violence. Rather, Speak up, stand up, and be counted among men as someone who will carry the torch of liberty. While there is still time be courageous, be valiant, and do not give ground to those who seek to destroy the foundations on which this great country was built. We must expose evil, get right with God, and let our lives reflect our Maker. Drive out the wicked from amongst us, our churches, our schools, our government, and our land. Establish righteousness in our courts again so that justice reigns supreme as the God of the Bible directs. Again, take back the ground that has been stolen. Stand in the gap for those without voices to speak. Defend our children and grandchildren from the lies and propaganda that abound. Elect people from the dog catcher to the President who abhor tyranny, are loyal to liberty, and will not compromise themselves to preserve it.

Lastly, the most powerful thing we can do to crush the evil that seeks to destroy us is what? It is to pray. Not just to pray but to humbly fast and pray for our nation, our leaders, our future, our children, and ourselves. Prayer and fasting shake hell, and terrify the legions of darkness because the power that is accessible to those who engage in it is great and will change the course of a person, a people, and a nation. This power cannot be stopped by any scheme or principality. When two or more gather in covenantal prayer in agreement God will break bars of iron, shatter strongholds, expose what is hidden, crush plots, protect the innocent, deliver justice, annihilate the wicked, and establish Godliness for generations.

Christian get in the fight! War is upon you! Wake up, stand up, and move in the power of God and engage with the weapons He provides and you will win!!! In the words of President Trump...."fight, fight, fight!"

pic by Evan Vucci

".. if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

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Terry Mahan
Terry Mahan

Great message for a sermon! We need pastors to get their flocks aware of the dangers of communism to religious freedom.


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I am a believer in Christ with a passion to encourage the remnant of believers. I was looking for an outlet to inspire others and this is it.  Enjoy as I dip into current events, politics, prophecy, and much more... 


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