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He IS!!

Who is it that controls all life?

Who tells the ocean it can go so far and no further?

Who knows its depths and manages its vast array of sea life?

Who measures off the space between planets and galaxies?

Who guides the comet and the sun's rays?

Who gives the horse its power and strength?

Who gives the eagle the wind for its wings?

Who creates both the snail and the lion?

Who's imagination created the frozen tundra, the barren desert, the mountains, and the great forests?

Who tells the animals when to migrate and the seasons when to change?

Who engineered the seed to become a great tree and bear abundant fruit?

Who sees the infant in the womb and knits its parts together?

Who sustains the grass on a thousand hills and the trees in every plain?

Who assigns a purpose to all living things and causes life to thrive even in great difficulty?

Who can know the thoughts of every man, at every given moment, and be a personal God to everyone?

Who has been since the beginning? In every decade, every century, every empire, every people group, and for all time?

Who is the great designer of the atom, the architect of the mind, and the sculpture of the human body?

Who is the one who gives us freedom of will and can give and take away the breath of life?

Who gives the bird her song, the fox his whit, the bear his strength, and the dolphin her graceful speed?

Who's knowledge, wisdom, strength, grace, patience, and justice cannot be matched?

Who can forgive the most wicked of sins, rescue anyone from the greatest darkness, and save a man's soul?

Who has all power, dominion, and shares His glory with no man or being?

It is HE, the Almighty. The LORD God. The King of Kings.. HE is!!

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I am a believer in Christ with a passion to encourage the remnant of believers. I was looking for an outlet to inspire others and this is it.  Enjoy as I dip into current events, politics, prophecy, and much more... 


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