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I'm More Spiritual Than You Are Because I'm Not Involved?.

Updated: 1 hour ago

As we approach the most consequential election of my lifetime I have become increasingly aware of a large swath of professing "Christians" in America who when it comes to politics....they have apparently checked out of the political process. They aren't planning on voting their values, they aren’t interested in standing in the gap to preserve liberty, and their indifference assumes that they scorn the blood-bought sacred right to vote because they certainly don't see any correlation between the outcome of an election and the long-range consequences to their lives, their children's lives, and the generations to come.

According to a recent reputable poll of people in the US people who identify as Socially Active Government Engaged Conservative Christians 41% of them are planning not to vote at all in 2024 election. The survey lists reasons for why they won't vote like:

*You dislike all of the major candidates

*None of the candidates reflect your most important views

*The election will be rigged

*Your one vote will not make a difference

*The candidate you favor cannot win

*You do not know enough about the candidates to choose *You’re not interested in politics and elections

*The election has become too controversial

Frankly, I think all these reasons are a poor excuse not to vote. Each reason can easily be debunked. If you call yourself a Christian and you are not going to vote in the upcoming election, you may just be a CINO (Christian in Name Only). If this is you, let's get down to brass tacks...these reasons above and any other reason you want to give for sitting this election out and not voting are just window dressing for the real reason...aren't they?

Isn't the real reason you aren't involved in politics, that you remain silent in the face of tyranny, that you don't want your views to be know to your family, friends, or acquaintances...that you hold your nose to those who say elections have consequences...isn't the real reason you are not going to vote is that you want people to believe you are more spiritual because you aren't involved.

My friend, you need to wake up. God will hold you, me, and everyone accountable for how we stewarded the liberty he gifted this country. Stop lying to yourself. You are more spiritual? If anything your stance towards not voting shows you have the spiritual IQ of an ignoramus. Don't you realize your silence is consent? Consent for the evil that will be unleashed if Trump doesn't win this election. That's right I said Trump. It's not enough for you to get off your sanctimonious high horse of narcissistic spiritual delusion. You must vote for Trump!

Does this offend your fake pious illusion that you are above offense? You are weak, gullible, and so easily deceaved. I know this may sting but someone has to talk straight to you. Stop going along to get along. Answer these questions "Christian."

Which candidate has the most executive business experience to run the greatest economy in the world?

Which candidate has the courage to make the toughest decisions, under the greatest degree of pressure, to manage the outcomes to better our country?

Which candidate will put in judges, approve laws, and support candidates that have values that are consistent with the bible?

Which candidate has a definite plan to preserve liberty for generations to come and uproot tyranny?

Which candidate was the only President in history that was able to finally roll back Roe V Wade?

Which candidate was the only President in history to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? Isn't that the nation your God loves? "Christian?"

Which candidate will reduce your taxes and set up key pillars in our economy to help reignite the key drivers needed to prosper our nation for decades to come?

I'll help you out if you are still not sure. There can only be one choice a rational person can must vote Trump. Don't fool yourself, you aren't voting for Pastor And Chief. You pretend to be more spiritual by not voting and you pretend to be more spiritual by staying silent. You aren't more spiritual by not being involved with are more like a pawn masquerading as an angel of light and consenting while your country is in the crucible of consequence. You will be judged oh "spiritual" Christian by what you do or do not do...that's between you and God.

My hope is that you will grow a backbone, stop being a coward, do your civic duty, and vote. Then don't just Trump. Can you just for a moment frame this as a job interview? Does the country have to have a President? Yes. Do you have two choices? Yes. Is Trump the perfect candidate? No Does he have flaws and limitations? Yes. Which of the two candidates reflects the values of the bible in their decisions and plans for America? Has Trump ever been President before? Yes How was his performance? Too many accomplishments to list. So between the two candidates, which one has the most experience that is best suited to run the most powerful economy, military, and nation on earth?

We decide it's our duty, to stand up and be counted in November. Now stop hiding behind your religion and participate! Go vote and Vote Trump!!!

"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself" Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Terry Mahan
Terry Mahan
7 hours ago

You are right...if you are a Christian you can't sit this one out. We must vote for the candidate closest to biblical values. Christian leaders say we must vote and Trump has their vote! The choice is Clear.


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I am a believer in Christ with a passion to encourage the remnant of believers. I was looking for an outlet to inspire others and this is it.  Enjoy as I dip into current events, politics, prophecy, and much more... 


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