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An Army of Women?....

Updated: Aug 7

My friend, it's my humble opinion we are in the last days. If I'm right, that the days of the coming of Christ are near, then the last days are upon us. The intensifying overt manifestations of evil in the physical realm have provided many of us who watch for His return with strong indicators that satan is advancing his plans to try and flip the script on God.

As Believers in Christ, we know how the story ends but I know God is at work to throttle the plans of satan. Never underestimate who or what God may use to accomplish His purposes. He is at work all over the world and there is no doubt the plan He is sovereignly guiding is beyond anything we could think or imagine.

Last summer I thought I was picking up on something & I will do my best to illuminate in this blog. I may not be able to do it justice but never the less I will try to unpack my belief that God is amassing an army.

This may sound strange since as Believers we are all considered Soldiers of Christ (2 Tim 2:3). However, it's the best way I can articulate what I think God may be up to in the spiritual realm that He may manifest in the physical realm.

It's not the army you may be thinking either. If I'm right, God’s plans are so brillant and of course satan is going to get throttled. Remember how God thinks..."“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My ways higher than your ways,And My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55: 8-9

I don't think it's an army of gruff men who wield great power and influence. Nor do I think it's a new political party, a vast military, or a group of elite soldiers as we would expect in the physical realm. So what kind of army could God be amassing?

I think God is amassing a massive army of..... Esther’s. An army of women. My conclusion is that they may just be the flaming arrows in the bow of God that He is about to unleash to burn down massive strongholds of satan as the darkness of the last days intensifies.

Let me explain. You see it was the woman that was the primary target of satan in the beginning to disrupt and derail God's plan. He approached Eve first. After Eve fell into satan's trap God said to satan:

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone but satan has declared war on women for millenniums. This verse in Revelations 12:7 should give you all the proof you need..

"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus."

However, if you still aren't convinced, pause for a minute and think of all the ways satan has emptied hell to destroy, crush, extort, use, intimidate, marginalize, criticize, belittle, and distort women in order to keep them from discovering & fulfilling God's purposes and plans.

Satan has used whatever means possible to attack women. I can't possibly list them all. But, but, but, here is the good news!! I am convinced God has preserved a great remnant of women. An army of women who are battle-tested, tough, and know how to fight this supernatural war and win through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I believe like lionesses amongst the plains of every nation they are amassing. They are wise, intelligent, strong, brave, and fearless. They are organized, purpose-filled, and most importantly they excel at prayer. It's from their intimacy with God in prayer that they draw strength, confidence, vision, discernment, direction, and conduct war. They know where God is headed, they see through the deception, lean into the heart of God, and are obedient to act toward pulling down the strongholds of the wicked.

 I perceive that the women of God have been fighting for years on their knees and in service to God using the unique gifts He has given each of them. In many cases sadly I have seen how they have waited for the men of God to step up and lead but in far too many cases the men have failed. Yet they press on in pursuit of God and He has blessed them for their careful faithfulness.

However, there has been a noteable shift in the enemy's tactics. Satan has been killing women's children by the millions through abortion in the shadows of darkness for generations. It's not been a secret he has also physically killed many using his favorite schemes like drugs, suicide, and addictions of every sort, and lying to them that they have no purpose but to please themselves. Yet now in broad daylight, he is attacking the children with transgendered porn story reading time, abduction, abuse of every kind, sexual exploitation, gender confusion, and an unending steady diet of lies that bastardize absolute truth via digital media smut that rots their souls, calluses their hearts, and confuses their innocent minds.

If you know anything about how a woman of God is naturally wired, there is one thing they will absolutely fight to the death for...their family. They will rise up and fight for their children and grandchildren. So candidly, I think satan has greatly overplayed his hand. These great women can endure great suffering but they will not tolerate anyone coming for their kids!

Could it be that the target satan mistakenly perceived in women as weak will be the very flamming sharp arrow in the bow of God used to burn down many of his strongholds in the last days and bring glory to God? Maybe I’m wrong but I believe God is amassing a great army of women! An army of Esther’s who are in the right place at the right time the step into history and prove to be the catalysts that rescue nations, cities, towns, schools, and families from the plots of the worlds Haman’s for God’s glory and by His power.

Women of God rise up! You were born for such a time as this! There is a remnant of men that are in the fight as well but God has uniquely gifted you for your fight. This is not a fight of physical violence but of a spiritual nature. Fight on your knees in prayer. Fight with your voice and speak as one. Fight with your ability to network, create, inspire, mobilize, influence, develop, and lead these generations to the Truth.

You are not alone! There are so many of you and I can't wait to see how God uses the women of faith in these last days.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Duet 31:6

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I am a believer in Christ with a passion to encourage the remnant of believers. I was looking for an outlet to inspire others and this is it.  Enjoy as I dip into current events, politics, prophecy, and much more... 


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