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Is It Time To Panic?....

Today the world is ablaze with events and circumstances like a molotov cocktail lit from the pyres of hell. If you look through the spiritual lens, it's like an army of demons has been unleashed upon the earth with their darkest evil intents being made manifest in every corner of the globe. To many, all hell has broken loose and I am beginning to sense that globally very smart well-informed people are about to hit the proverbial panic button.

The key ingredients if you will of the perfect storm of war, economic collapse, spiritual apathy, cultural corruption, crime, plaque, poverty, drugs, and so so much more are being mixed into a tremendous frenzied wicked concoction that when the world is forced to drink it down to the dregs will lead to so many peoples destruction. There is undoubtedly so much hanging in the balance as you read this that it's easy for me to understand why so many well-meaning informed people could decide to panic.

So, is it time to panic? I'm convinced a huge mass of humanity prefers to stick their heads in the sand in hopes that the world they created for themselves will go on in perpetuity unaffected by the reality of evil. As a result, panic is far from their minds. Until they hear about horrible atrocities like music festival goers being gunned down by terrorists. Then they are forced to come to grips with evil and how they will respond to it.

The truth as I see it is simple. If you don't know Christ, yes it's time to panic. You are hosed. You don't stand a chance against satan and his ilk. The Bible says the devil's three-part strategy against you is "only to steal and kill and destroy." John 10:10 Bottom line, satan will use whatever means necessary to do that and without God's divine protection, he will succeed. What should you do? Repent of your sin, turn to God, and let Him save you from yourself, satan, and hell.

Are people, cities, governments, officials, leaders, & nations even conscious of the existence of God? More specifically, do they have any fear of God? They speak and act as though the God of the heavens does not hear or see them. They see the tremendous power of nature and all creation and are confronted by the enormity of what power must have designed all that is life but appear to live with no fear of God. They pursue headlong all forms of evil with no fear of judgment or consequence as though God does not hold the wicked into account. If the wicked feared God, they too should panic.

What about the righteous? Those who belong to Christ. Is it time for us to panic? After all, we see missionaries being martyred, smaller church congregations and many of the great examples of the faith are aged or have died. There isn't a Billy Graham going across the world and reaping 1000s and 1000s into the kingdom of God. There are seemingly so few righteous leaders in government, education, media, sports, etc. Many of our pulpits have weak men, compromised men, and men who are counterfeit. The unity among the body of Christ is dysfunctional. So maybe it is time to panic?

Here's the good news friend. For those who are in Christ, it is not in the nature of Christ to panic. When all hell has broken loose, the wheels have fallen off of society, and we find ourselves surrounded in a spiritual war for the souls of men. No matter what, with God's help, we are not to panic. Our hope, our strength, our provision, and our deliverance are sure. Jesus promises "lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Mt 28:20

He will protect us, guide us, and lead us to victory. He will use us to rescue the lost and hold back the darkness by His might because He blesses those who fear Him. I believe that in these dark days, God is nowhere near finished. He is going to make a name for Himself. Nehemiah 9:10 says "You made a name for yourself, which remains to this day." The wicked will fear Him. My prayer is that the God of Israel does so many God-sized supernatural things in our lifetime in view of all mankind that the world says "Truly you are a God who has been hiding Himself, the God the Savior of Israel." Isaiah 45:15

God says to His children, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Mt 11:28 To the wicked God says, "Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted, propose your plan, but it will not stand.." Isaiah 8:10.

Let the wicked panic but for those who belong to the Mighty God of Israel, it's never time to panic!

"As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you." Isaiah 64:2-3

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I am a believer in Christ with a passion to encourage the remnant of believers. I was looking for an outlet to inspire others and this is it.  Enjoy as I dip into current events, politics, prophecy, and much more... 


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