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"Rise of The Bully...The Antidote?"

Over the last decades, there has been a concerted effort to reprogram society's view of bullies. To rid our society of the bully mentality and magnify the weakest amongst us as the voice of the majority. Especially in the education departments across the US, the "bully" mentality and behavior have been dismissed and criticized, and children have been indoctrinated to understand that it's never okay to be a bully. Is that wrong? Did it effectively rid bullies from our society?

Let me be clear, I believe bullying should not be tolerated. However, the heavily propagandized approach to counter bullying in our country, unfortunately, more than laid the groundwork for bullies to thrive.

I have observed that children and adults alike have gone soft and lost their fight. The fear of being perceived as a bully because one has conviction, absolutes, and is not willing to be exploited due to the constant mental drumbeat of social indoctrination has helped turn whole generations in this country into cowards. Guess what? The real bullies at every level of society know it and they are exploiting this learned weakness to gain influence, control, and power which is causing unparalleled destruction to our freedoms, families, companies, and country.

I have heard it said, "Bullies only respect two things, power and consequences." That resonates with me and makes a lot of sense. Take a good look around. So many of the loudest voices decrying that bullying can not be tolerated are the very organ houses mastering its art form against its conditioned victims via social media, the arts, entertainment, education, and government.

The very institutions that were instrumental in making this nation the great country it was are now operating either like massive bully pulpits or are bending their knee to a small thug band of powerful elite bullies in order to be socially accepted. What a crazy counterintuitive cesspool of mental gymnastics good people are being subjected to at every level from the rise of bullies.

One could write a book with countless examples of this but I see a silver lining. Good people are still the majority in this country. Fortunately, they aren't stupid but do we have the guts to show these bullies they need to respect us? The future of our country as founded will hinge greatly on this. It's easy to ignore bullies when they don't impact you directly. But what about when it gets personal? When they tell you what to do, how to think, and how to raise your kids.

Most instinctively know how bullies thrive. They thrive by obtaining power and dominance to influence the behavior of their targets and the main vehicles they use to accomplish this are lying, stealing, mischaracterizing, victimizing, deception, violence, control, and especially fear.

Americans, need to rise up. I pray that we are given the wisdom to see who the real bullies are and that we stop capitulating to their every whim while being such cowards. Our anthem says.."home of the brave." The bullies running our government act and talk like they believe the majority of Americans constitute the "home of the weak." They see us as a collective self-centered, naive, pitiful, dependent, and easily manipulated losers. If there were a scoreboard, Bullies vs Americans, the Bullies are not just winning they are about to run rule us.

Allow me to highlight a great example. Why do you think the bullies of our government on both sides of the aisle and this world hate Donald Trump so much? Because he's arrogant and pompous? No, try again. They too are arrogant and pompous. It's largely because he knows what they are up to and how to absolutely throttle their plans by using the power of the US and her people and the consequences of the law. In other words, they despise Trump because he has a very long track record of standing up to bullying and winning. His enemies know he will stand up to them and were he to win the Presidency again, he has the keys to crush them and erase their well-laid plans.

In a strange way, I believe they respect Trump because he never backs down to a bully. In an equally strange way, people conditioned by the bully indoctrination seem to get squeamish when someone like Trump has the guts to take a stand. What a bizarre state of being. Don't people realize that if Trump or whoever is standing up to the bullies in our society back down we are all next?

So what is the antidote to bullies? I think it can be found in this amazing verse.

"One who is wise can go up against the city of the mighty and pull down the stronghold in which they trust." Proverbs 21:22

Notice the verse did not say that the wise go into the city of the weak and pull down the weak hold in which they trust. Right? This is counterintuitive is it not? Most people just want to take action when it's not a heavy lift and when a win is all but guaranteed. Instead, it says to go into the enemy's strongest position and pull it down.

We have to take action, go to the areas of society where they are perceived as mighty, pull down the strongholds in which they trust, and trust God for victory! How do we do that? We pray and then act according to God's direction. It's standing firm armed with the truth, it's being shrewd, and it's standing up when most want to cut and run. Another key antidote is courage. We must have the courage to never bend, never bow down, and never surrender.

God's providence is peculiar is it not? Who would have thought God would use a murdering desert vagabond like Moses to rescue an Israeli nation from the power of an Egyptian pharaoh bully? Who would have thought God would have used an ostracized politician man like Churchill to help win the greatest world war against a Nazi bully Hitler?

Winston Churchill once said..."Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities...because it is the quality which guarantees all others."

Regardless, history is replete with great examples of courageous winners who instead of being bullied utilized the power of society, governments, the purse, and the power of the Almighty to bring consequence to those who would otherwise see fit to bully without end.

There is no shortage of bullies in our times. Thankfully they are far outnumbered. They are coming for our families, our livelihoods, our country, and they are coming for the hearts and minds of our kids. They are hell-bent on dominating the future of Americans with tyranny and control at every level. We won't win with happy talk, poll-tested slogans, and wishful thinking. We are all going to have to rise up to rebuild, to protect, and to prosper.

You've probably heard it said fear is contagious (bullies rely on this) but thankfully so is courage. In fact, don't underestimate who God may use to aid us in our fight to defeat the agenda of the bullies who long to dominate us.

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." 1 Cor 1:27

We all can rise up and one by one they will fail. One by one with the help of God we will prevail.

"Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid....Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, may ruin overtake them by surprise—may the net they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit, to their ruin. Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in his salvation." Psalms 35 1-9

Photo Source: It's A Wonderful Life -Film

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