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Sometimes God Gets in The Way....Finding the Will of God

Finding God's will for your life can sometimes seem incredibly challenging. One of the things I have learned in my walk with Christ is that sometimes God gets in the way to show you the way.

Let me explain, I have many examples I could point to but this one should suffice. Years ago I had a healthy discontent swelling within concerning my job. It wasn't like I hated my current role but something inside of me like a fire burned for more. The desire for new challenges and the opportunity to earn more compelled me to investigate.

So I set out prayerfully in pursuit of new opportunities. I went through rounds and rounds of interviews. My foundational prayer was "Lord, open the door you want me to walk through, close the doors that aren't a part of Your plan, and hold the door open for me to the job you want me to have letting no one else through but me."

Fast forward and I found myself several interviews into what I thought was it. This was a better opportunity than I could ever imagine. The only thing left was for me to meet a Senior Manager and instead of an interview, he was just to approve of me to be hired.

Looking back over the interviews, they were arduous and the competition was fierce. However, the whole time I could see God's favor and it seemed blatantly obvious that this had to be God's will. After all, I had beaten out so many candidates and it was as if supernatural synchronicity was all but shouting this is your next step.

Not to mention the excitement I had knowing I stood at the threshold of possibly being hired by one of the world's top companies, with a fantastic manager, and earnings that exceeded anything I had previously known.

The day I had been awaiting came. I found myself in front of the Regional Manager. His non-verbal cues were unusually unsettled. After exchanging niceties we got down to the reason for the meeting. I asked him "So will you hire me?" After an awkward long pause, he said "I'm not prepared to do that at this time."

I was shocked. He was the decision maker and after several more attempts to get him to confirm my hire, he balked. I was confused. Hadn't God all but paved the path so perfectly for me to get this job? Only to lose it. It didn't make sense.

Well, time passed and my pursuit of a new opportunity continued. Many more interviews ensued and many more highly competitive candidates stood in the way between me and my next step. God was so gracious and faithful all along the way.

Sometimes we never get answers to closed doors. However, I learned that the very day the Regional Manager was to okay me for the job, the Manager who was recommending me for his team resigned unexpectedly just before I was to meet him for our meeting. I can only imagine this sent the Regional Manager into a mix of emotions and led to circumstances far outside of my control leading to him saying no to giving me the job.

However, I learned a great principle of God's sovereign hand of direction. Sometimes God gets in the way to show us the way. Weeks after this discouraging event, I was hired for a job that was better than the one I lost. God did it! He proved faithful again. Because I trusted Him, I found myself walking through an open door to a fantastic boss, a great team, more money, and tons of opportunity. God knew what He was doing all along. He was preparing me for the best but teaching me great lessons along the way.

All these years later I know without a shadow of a doubt that if I had got the job I thought was best I would have missed out on so much better. Sometimes friend closed doors are just that but sometimes be encouraged and don't lose heart because it might just be God getting in the way to show you the way to His very best.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Prov 3:5-6

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans."Proverbs 16:3

"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him."

Lamentations 3:25

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I am a believer in Christ with a passion to encourage the remnant of believers. I was looking for an outlet to inspire others and this is it.  Enjoy as I dip into current events, politics, prophecy, and much more... 


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