"Will tyranny win?...The world is under seige.."
It's 2023 in America. A nation politically divided nearly in half. Since the election of President Biden, his government has given rise to an unprecedented release of tyranny in our country. Liberty and freedom the foundation of our Republic are at stake and America is on the razor edge of two very different futures.
To many, politics, power, & governing interests are of little consequence or represent a circus, whose leading role players are comprised nearly always of the basis of men. As a result, what inclines a person of this view to act to better their nation, to recognize tyranny & subvert its rise, or to pray for God to replace the wicked with those of great repute?
To others, they will sacrifice life, treasure, and expend all their talent to preserve Liberty and her ideals. These Americans make up the tightly woven pattern of every race and creed called Patriots. They have studied history and used its lessons to expose tyranny in all its forms in order to protect freedom. Freedom they instinctively know is a position of unparalleled strength from which to worship God, prosper, and spread his message to those still trapped in tyranny's iron grip.
At present, there is a great concern with the war in Israel that this could be the start of World War III. Some fear this war possibly becomes more than a war on terrorism and metastasizes into a holy war between Muslims and every other religion. At the same time, the globe is facing tremendous outbreaks of disease, vast economic uncertainty, moral bankruptcy, global censorship, and flashes of anarchy.
What is the answer? Will tyranny win?
Christian experts in prophecy are decrying that the totality of the world's current events in combination with history is proof that we find ourselves in the last days. Which if correct, translates in my opinion into an unending avalanche of tyranny until Christ's return. They may be right.
This leads one to hope that in this desperate hour, the world could find peace with God no matter how much tyranny exists because a strong vibrant church with a moral backbone, unmistakeable faith, and unconditional love is there to show them the way. Fortunately, in some of the most tyrannical corners of the earth the underground church reflects the finest of Christ's commission but one can observe a very weak church throughout many parts of America & Europe where whole denominations of Christendom have slowly but intentionally abandoned their fear of God to appease the fear of men.
Yet, I remain convinced there remains among the earth a strong remnant of true believers. Those who share in the sufferings of Christ. Those who fear God and not men. Those who are relentless in their pursuit of knowing God and the power of His resurrection despite being surrounded by tyranny. They are not silent and speak the truth with courage and resolve. They know God's voice and obey Him.
It appears God is amassing an army of these saints that He will use to push back the darkness, bring truth to those ensnared by lies, and freedom from the greatest tyranny of all, sin until He comes again.
He has those amongst the remnant who are prayer warriors, evangelists, encouragers, teachers, leaders, and those who occupy positions from the most humble of stations to the greatest of influence. I have no doubt, He will confound the wisdom of men with His mysterious ways and He will fulfill His purposes no matter what the circumstance or situation.
You see, the arbiters of tyranny around the world have neglected to consider God in their equation of achieving their aims because they don't fear Him. They foolishly believe that not even God can affect their best-laid plans.
The answer to tyranny is to fear God. God is truth and those who fear God and stand for truth will always defeat tyranny. History has shown for those who will be taught by it that God is overall. He has the final say. No form of tyranny, no power on earth or in hell, no empire, or plan of man can stand or succeed against the living God.
Tyranny can project the well-orchestrated illusion of success for a moment, or years, or even centuries but just as history has proved over and over, in the end, tyranny always builds its foundation on lies. The lies will prove inadequate and tyranny will not win. The truth will always prove adequate and God always wins!
"Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require from you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.." Deuteronomy 10:12
Well said Nate 😘